Meeting Times


Sunday School Sunday 9:00 am

Breaking of Bread Sunday 10:45 am

Public Bible Talk Sunday 1.30pm

Bible Class Thursday 8:00 pm


The Christadelphians

The Christadelphians, or as the name implies, “Brethren in Christ” (Colossians 1:2) are a worldwide community of people associated by a belief in the things concerning the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 8:12).

Our faith and beliefs are based entirely on the Bible

The Bible is the wholly inspired Word of God - reliable and accurate (2 Tim 3 v 16 -17, 2 Peter 1 v 19 – 20)

Teaching on God

There is only one True God – He dwells in heaven – immortal, invisible, all powerful
Read: Isaiah 45 v 5-6, 1 Timothy 6 v 15 - 16

God created the universe, whose purpose is to fill this earth with His glory.
Read: Genesis 1, Numbers 14 v 21

God is One – the trinity is not taught in the Bible.
Read: Deuteronomy 6 v 4, John 17 v 3, 1 Corinthians 8 v 6, 1 Timothy 2 v 5

Teaching on Jesus

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is also Son of Man through being born of Mary.
Read: Luke 1 v 32- 35, Romans 1 v 3 - 4

Jesus lived a sinless life – He overcame evil, and in loving obedience to God He died, and rose again to save His followers from sin and death through the forgiveness of sin.
Read: Romans 10 v 9 – 13, 1 Timothy 1 v 15 - 16  

Jesus is now immortal and has ascended to the right hand of His Father in heaven.
Read: Acts 1 v 11 & 2 v 22 – 27, Mark 16 v 19

Jesus will return to the earth to establish a universal Kingdom. He will be King over the restored Kingdom of God in Israel and over the whole world.
Read: Isaiah 9 v 6 – 7, Zechariah 14 v 9, Acts 1 v 11

The followers of Christ, on being made immortal, will assist Him to bring about worldwide righteousness and peace. Jerusalem will be the future capital of the world.
Read: Micah 4 v 1 – 5, Matthew 19 v 27 – 29, Jeremiah 3 v 17

Teaching on the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the power of God which He uses to fulfil His will and purpose.

Read: Job 33 v 4, Romans 8 v 11, 2 Peter 1 v 21, John 1 v 32 - 33 

The Spirit of God is His power by which He sustains creation, and is everywhere present.

Read: Genesis 1 v 2

Teaching on man

Man is mortal and subject to death as a consequence of Adam’s disobedience and the penalty of sin.
Read: Job 14 v 10, Ecclesiastes 3 v 19 – 20, Psalm 89 v 48, Romans 5 v 12, 1 Corinthians 15 v 21 - 22

Soul in the Bible never expresses the idea of immortality in heaven.
 Read: 1 Tim 6 v 16, Ezekiel 18 v 4 & 20, Psalm 49 v 17 - 20

Teaching on Death

In the death state the body, being unconscious, is deprived of life and returns to the dust.
Read: Ecclesiastes 9 v 5 – 6, Romans 5 v 21, Psalm 6 v 5

Hell refers to the grave and not a place of fire and torment.
Read: Psalm 139 v 8, Psalm 31 v 17 (margin), Ecclesiastes 9 v 10

Teaching on the Devil

The devil is not a supernatural being but the personification of sin destroyed only in Christ.
Read: Matthew 15 v 19 – 20, Hebrews 2 v 14 – 15, John 8 v 44, John 6 v 70 - 71
Satan means adversary and is used of human beings.
Read: Matthew 16 v 23, Psalm 109 v 4, 20 & 29

Teaching on Salvation

Salvation essentially involves belief in God’s promises, repentance and adult baptism into Christ, by full immersion in water, for the forgiveness of sin and the hope of eternal salvation.
Read: Galatians 3 v 6 – 9, 14, 16 & 26 – 29, Mark 16 v 15 – 16, Romans 6 v 4

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